Hi, just joined here cos split up from my girlfriend on Wednesday and I really need to get the pain off my chest!
We'd been together for 7 months and it had started so well, she was the first girl I ever really loved and now I'm so devestated that it is over.
I think it all went wrong when I got a new job, because it involved night work over the weekend, I'm so gutted I took up the job now.
Usually we used to go out on a Tuesday, Thursday and a Friday, but my job took up the Thursday and Friday so for the past 3 months we were only ever seeing each other once a week on a Tuesday! And we couldn't really go out for a drink or anything cos she had college in the morning.
Two weeks ago she had mentioned on the phone that we needed to sort something out cos we hardly ever saw each other and I feared the worst, how could I expect her to love me and stay interested if we never did anything together, like we did for the first few months. Anyway, she said on Tuesday that she felt it wasn't working out so I went round on the Wednesday and she told me she wanted to be single now, I'm so upset over it. She said she still liked me but no longer loved me.
I think it was work that contributed to her stopping to have such feelings for me, but thinking about it, she never really must have truly loved me because it was hard not seeing her, but I still wanted to be together! If she loved me truly, she would have felt the same I suppose, it just came as a shock.
The irony is that I've just been informed my contract has changed so now I've got the time off but now single! Went out last night with my mates and have got a bad hangover today and the effects of alcohol have made me feel even worse over it.
Even though we hardly saw each other, I felt so happy when I did see her, I miss all the cuddles and kisses and holding hands, I'd come to depend on her and now it is gone I feel so empty and unfullfilled. I keep my phone on me hoping she will text me but she hasn't, I really miss all the texts good night and everything, it's just so unfair!!
I've text her a couple of times and her replies have been really blunt like she no longer cares, and that has shocked me cos we knew each other so long and she just cut me off and expects me to turn off my feelings for her like a switch or something. I just need to get her out my head, but its so hard, jeez life is difficult and complicated lol!
One of my mates said just remember the good times you had together, but that just makes it worse for me!
What actually makes me feel better sometimes is thinking about the times when she was moody or something, don't know why but that, well I don't know, I can't really explain it!
I know I should stop texting her and am trying really hard not to, will she text me eventually to see how I am? I hope so, because it would be nice to think at least she cares a bit about me.
Anyway, sorry for such a long post, just wanted to get the stuff off my chest lol!