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was rejected today. No surprise, I can live with it. But I honestly thought this was going to work out this time.
I'm the typical nice guy. I can't flirt for shit and my confidence is nearly none existant, and when those fleeting oppertunites to come along where I'm stupid enough to beleive I've find someone who finds me the least bit desireable, I put all my heart and emotion into it.
But girls seem to dispise me for this. It's the only way I can describe it. O hsure they're amused by it at first, then they grow tired of your doting, tender nature and fling you aside like a used condom left-over from the sex you're never going to have.
I just don't understand it. You women out there spend your lives bitching about how you can never meet a sensitive guy, yet even when you're surrounded by them you still prefer to go for the macho ass-holes who look at women the same way trucker look at there next cheese-burger at the drive-thru.
Youl'd rather take the time to make a romantic gentalmen out of a total jerk, but won't even give nice-guys like me the time of day.
So it will only be around this time that they start to look our way, not becuase they want us, but becuase we're the only ones who still desire them.
I am so angry right now. I'm so angry I don't know whether to scream, curse, cry or puke. I honestly have come to a point in my life where I beleive that I will never find companionship.
not sex, but companionship, some to love and to be love by. Someone to share myself with completely.
Stupid, I know, but what the **** am I supposed to say? Those are the things I want in my life and yet every cosmic power that's got its all-powerful thumb in this disgusting shit-pile we call an existance, seems hell-bent on making sure that I end up dying alone.
I met a girl and I fell in love. I though what I felt for her meant something, becuase it was unlike any other feeling I had felt in my life.
I hate life for how much of a struggle it is for me, and I hate myself for not being what others want.
I've lost all hope this day, and quite honestl;y I don't know why I even continue to bother.
the answere?
Becuase I'm retarded enough to hold on to that tiny sliver of hope that I may find someone, but I'm not holding my breath.
When I do it'll probably involve a plastic bag and a rubber-band
'm an introvert alright?
I don't get out often, and it's a ****ing climb-up Mt. Everest whenever I try to branch out and poke my head out of its shelf. It's hard for me to relate to anyone even those that would be considered my peers
I often find myself stradling the various social boarders and finding no acceptance in either one them.
As far as girls go...... what can I say. I try to be kind and tender, the loving sensetive type that they're always bitching about not having. But obviously that's not what they're looking for.
I find out about them, figure out what they like and try to work with that.
What the **** else can I say? I don't have the self-esteem to talk to a girl with an 'I don't care what she thinks of me additude.'
Sometimes I think I'm too emotional and too sensitive for my own good, but hey if a girl wants me to piss on her face after spending an evening verbally abusing her, hey I can change my ways! I can be an insensetive duche-bag too.