My fiancé and I have been together for 9 years and I have started to consider breaking up with him. There are a few things preventing me from doing this, I am scared and I don’t have any friends really so I would pretty much be alone. I do love him, he is a massive part of my life and it would be extremely hard for me but I just don’t know how much more I can take. I currently support us both financially which is one of the major reasons I am considering breaking up with him. He was always getting fired – most of the time not his fault but the worst always did seem to happen to him. He started his own business a couple of years ago, it makes no money. I don’t even think half the time he is working from home, just playing playstation or lazing about. He tells me he is applying for jobs now but I’m not seeing much evidence of that at all
Im so fed up of working hard everyday and having no money. All my colleagues go on lovely holidays and buy nice clothes, because we get paid well, but because I pay for all bills I have nothing. We are supposed to be getting married and I am constantly asked, whens the wedding, have you booked it yet, as we have been engaged 1 year and a half. Im under so much pressure and I don’t want to tell anyone no I can’t book it because we have no money and Im not sure I want to marry him now anyway. He is about 9 years older than me aswell so if I broke up with him it would be a lot harder for him to start again with someone new. Especially as he has no job and would then have no where to live. I feel trapped and I want to end this perpetual cycle. Do I give him a deadline? Is that fair? I just don’t know what to do :’(