Hey. I don't wanna write a stupidly long post about this so ill keep it very basic, feel free to ask any questions about this if needs be.
Ok, basically i hate myself, i hate who i am, i hate how i look, i hate how i act, i hate how i am with people, i hate how im shy, i hate how stupid i am, i hate not being able to tlk to new people, i hate pretty much everything about myself.
I can't seem to do anything right and i always end up feeling really depressed becasue i just feel like such a fail of a person. Sometimes i feel like there's no point because i'm so worthless that there's no point wasting time trying to better myself, as i know it'll never work. I feel so empty and alone as if im just this pointless thing that is wasting oxygen.
But overall the thing i hate most is how weak i am as a person. I hate myself yet, i could never bring myself to commit suicide. i know i'm not happy but i keep convincing myself that it's better to be unhappy and know where i am then to expose myself to unfamilear events and stuff that will probably make me feel better. I hate that im such a weak person.
I tried drinking to give myself confidence to talk to people, but i end up being too nervouse and i just keep drinking to try and make myself more confident, but it always ends up with me drinking too much and either throwing up or getting violent. So that wasn't a good idea.
I was hoping some of you would know something i could do, i have tried so much to pull myself together but i can't seem to initiate anything which could help me. I know talking to random people is a good way to get more used to tlking to them, even making small talk in a shop with a randomer about a film they are buying is an impossible taks for me.
I believe my main problem is that i think i'm too much of a fail to be able to do anything right so i can't physically bring myself to do it becasue i constatly have my subconsciouse shouting " nah, it's not worth it, leave," at me.
Do any of you know what i could do to get myself on the right path to sorting myself out?
Thanx for reading