Alright, I'm pretty confused. The other night I had this big identity crisis and came close once again to taking my own life. But as I was sitting there talking to one of my friends from high school about it, I realized more about myself than I ever really knew. So for the past few days I've been living with this new outlook on life and it's been working great for me, but one thing is kinda weird. It seems as though I'm not really interested in girls that much anymore. Don't get me wrong, I don't like guys. I still hate them like you wouldn't believe, but it's just odd. For so long girls were all I thought about, then suddenly no more. Like earlier today we were at hooters and my three male friends couldn't keep their eyes off our waitress and even tried to pick her up. Frankly I was embarassed, but I would've looked at her usually, but I never looked at anything but her eyes. It was weird. And now that my friend Nate is back from Florida after two years, he keeps talking about hooking me up with an easy girl and I'm just not into it at all, like I don't feel like meeting anyone new, not even to start a relationship. That is SOOO unlike me. But then today I may have figured out exactly what it was. For the past two nights all of my dreams have been focused on Karli, my best friend. She's been in my thoughts more than ever since my crisis and I can't stop thinking and feeling for her. I think that in my traumatic escape from the pain that I was feeling I was able to realize just how much she means to me, and that if I never found somebody who wanted to be with me, I would be perfectly happy with having a friend as incredible as her. But then that brought up the fear of what's going to happen in 6 years when she's out of college (lot of schooling for her field) and we go our seperate ways. But then I realized that that's so far down the road and I just need to focus on having fun with the one person who makes my life worth living. I just wanted to express what's been going on with me the past few days and tell everyone here how much I love Karli.