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Thread: What do you settle for in a relationship?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    What do you settle for in a relationship?

    Okay, so if you've been in a few relationships in your time you will know that people are not always perfect.
    Some, in fact, happen to be complete jerks in nice boy/girl costumes.
    My point is..

    Sometimes its very hard to find someone who genuinely care for you, buy you flowers (if you like that sort of thing) support you, be laid back about you having some same sex friends.
    When you do finally find someone like that it's a good idea to hang on.

    But nobody's perfect.

    What I'd like to know is what you settle for. Sure your boyfriend is really supportive BUT he's got a massive temper that's really not cool and sometimes scary. Or he's so lovely to you but he's an absolute slob and impossible to live with, or patronises you constantly everytime you try and have an intellectual conversation. Maybe he's caring but a big disappointment in bed. Or he's happy to let you go out with friends without an argument but he'll never join you and never wants o go anywhere himself or show an interest in coming with you anywhere or take you out for a nice meal. He just wants to watch tv or play on the computer all night every night

    What would you settle for and what would tip the scale? What do you need from a boyfriend?
    It may seem like an odd question, but I'm really interested.

    See I think it's these little things that ultimately start to grate on your skin, to a point where you begin to forget the good things if they get too much.

  2. #2
    qwertz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davros View Post
    Okay, so if you've been in a few relationships in your time you will know that people are not always perfect.
    Some, in fact, happen to be complete jerks in nice boy/girl costumes.
    My point is..

    Sometimes its very hard to find someone who genuinely care for you, buy you flowers (if you like that sort of thing) support you, be laid back about you having some same sex friends.
    When you do finally find someone like that it's a good idea to hang on.

    But nobody's perfect.

    What I'd like to know is what you settle for. Sure your boyfriend is really supportive BUT he's got a massive temper that's really not cool and sometimes scary. Or he's so lovely to you but he's an absolute slob and impossible to live with, or patronises you constantly everytime you try and have an intellectual conversation. Maybe he's caring but a big disappointment in bed. Or he's happy to let you go out with friends without an argument but he'll never join you and never wants o go anywhere himself or show an interest in coming with you anywhere or take you out for a nice meal. He just wants to watch tv or play on the computer all night every night

    What would you settle for and what would tip the scale? What do you need from a boyfriend?
    It may seem like an odd question, but I'm really interested.

    See I think it's these little things that ultimately start to grate on your skin, to a point where you begin to forget the good things if they get too much.
    All of those would probably be a deal breaker for me, i couldnt live with someone like that.

    Sure, my bf has flaws, he can be quite lazy, which is sometimes annoying but no big deal, he is quite messy in his own house but always cleans up after himself in mine, yeh that may be an issue when we move in together, he is sometimes a bit thoughtless- its not him not caring, its him not thinking. He can also be quite grumpy, but so can i so thats fine with me. None of these are deal breakers, they are minor differences that, when you look at the bigger picture, really are insignificant.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I can never understand why you girls go for guys who treat them like crap. Scary ass temper? Check. Only bothers with me when he wants sex? Check. All round bozo? Check. Gee, this guy sounds great!
    Off topic - Davros huh? Nice to see a fellow Doctor Who fan around these parts!

  4. #4
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    If your boyfriend is all around lovely then that's great. And he doesn't do anything that really annoys you. That's hard work to find.
    I guess this is about when you're constantly weighing the good against the bad, which wins? Not everyone I in this position and I suppose that I cant expect everyone o understand where I'm coming from if they're not in that place.. If you get me.
    What would be the little things that tipped you over the edge?
    Say you love them but:
    Could you stay with a girl/guy if they never wanted to do the things you liked.
    Or they just constantly messed up your house
    Or never listened to you in an argument.
    Or they did something that really really really irratitated you and nomatter how much you ask them to stop they just don't
    Or they smoke a whole load of weed or do some drugs you hate
    Just examples here. The small things. They build up for me.

    Gent, yeah I love the old ones a whole bunch !

    I don't know if I'm making sense.

  5. #5
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    Jun 2011
    An ex of mine, she was a real bitch lol. I'd be out nights out with friends & such....walk into a bar & find her sitting on some guys knee acting like a ho, so I'd talk to her about it & she'd laugh me off as being insecure. THEN if she ever walked into a bar & saw me talking to a girl, she'd hit the roof! It was unreal, so I guess it's hypocrisy that I can't stand the most in a relationship. One rule for her & another for me. Needless to say, we didn't last TOO long haha.
    Of course everyone has their flaws, or habits that annoy you. But if you like them enough, you grow to see past these quirks...or even grow to love them. But going from your OP, it sounds as if you'll never get over your boyfriends bad habits. Minor dislikes can grow & grown until they become resentment. Best not to let things get that far, but that's just my opinion anyway.

    OT: Matt Smith is an awesome Doctor!

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