We've known each other for about 10 months, 8 months of exclusiveness. My boyfriend and I talk about love but we've never said I love you. He says I like you a LOT and I know he cares for me but Id think after this long, he'd either love me, or not. We are both 33 so its not like we're young and inexperienced. He tells me Im perfect for him and talks about future plans like vacations next year or starting Christmas traditions together..so if he doesnt love me, why would he want to do these things? I know what I want and I dont want to be wasting my time. He knows what i want too, Ive told him. I know theres no time limit on love, but Ive never been in a realationship this long without the guy telling me he loves me. Last night, he said "Its weird for me to say I love you" and later he said "When its the right time, Ill have no problem telling you. I like you a lot" Im feeling like I need to break up with him, and actually Ive been feeling it a lot lately because theres no passion in our realtionship. BUT we never fight, we like all the same things, we have the same religious views and values, we are pretty much the same person but opposite sexes. Im so confused and dont want to walk away from a good thing, but not prepared to wait years for something that may not ever happen. I dont like feeling this way because Im usually so calm and just take things as they come, this hasnt bothered me until now for some reason.