No matter what happens remember those who you love and love you will influence your life and you ultimately in the end, influence each other into the people you become. Too many people resort to down right hostilities when they find they cannot make a relationship work. This is absolutely the wrong way. I know this sounds trite and like a cliche' but honestly think about your actions with another person, then think about what YOU are doing and how it will effect their life then worry think about what it will do to your life as well. If you look at the standard rates of relationships failing just in the US alone, there are quite a few embittered people out there now. I saying this to not try and preach nor do I possess all the answers, I am a human being just like the rest, I am no better than anyone else and people need to be treated with respect and the biggest lacking element in the world nowadays is emotional maturity. Seems that some people just enjoy destroying another persons life and they are truly sick from what most likely has occurred to them in either childhood or a past relationship. So take a moment and think how your actions and words will affect someone around you.