Why is that we drink milk from cows (a filthy animal) and not some one you love like your wife or girlfriend?
why do so many men find this gross? I would love to drink my wife's milk some day, if she allows me
Why is that we drink milk from cows (a filthy animal) and not some one you love like your wife or girlfriend?
why do so many men find this gross? I would love to drink my wife's milk some day, if she allows me
For some reason i have this fantasy. to make girls pregnant.
is this normal?
You need to get laid...badly..
-to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.- e.e.cummings
after eating a bloody steak, breast milk is nothing.
...this is just my perspective on the situation...
but are you willing to deal with the reality of creating a child?
...this is just my perspective on the situation...
Pfft, getting someone pregnant doesnt = child.
Give em a good ol' falcon punch and the process resets
I have a fantasy of trapping George Clooney into marriage by getting knocked up.
I would love to impregnate all sorts of women.
it's the primal urge.
baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.
why are women willing to do so many disgusting things for their men to please them?
Its just amazing what some women would do... crazy stuff..
why though?
i can't wait to make some one pregnant!
Define 'disgusting'?
Oral sex? Anal sex? Swallowing semen? Having threesomes? Wearing lingerie? Eating feces? S/M? Bondage?
You'll have to be a bit more detailed.
b.c they like the taste.
Why do men like you have to question everything that is good?
Women are generally raised with the expectation they please people. Why should you be surprised they want to please their men, too?