Hey ladies out there, sorry for the long post but I'm posting here in hopes to get some insight about myself and the girl that I'm seeing.
Anyway, first, a little bit about myself. I guess I'm what you would call the "easy-going" guy. Ya know, the one that just kicks back and relaxes. I usually just go with the flow. Few complaints, if any. And things rarely piss me off. Yep, I'm that kinda guy. But while all that seems fine and dandy, I can honestly say that I'm boring as well. I'm not exactly "Mr.Fat-Wallet" nor "Mr.Right-For-Her". My jokes are so dry they fail. I'm also socially retarded as far as what's hot and what's not. (I'm in my early 20's, which is sad.) I suppose I could go on and on about all the negative aspects about me, but ya know, I do still have a little bit of pride left in me, so I'll just leave it at that.
As for this girl, she's the opposite. Been around, knows helluva lot more than me (especially along the lines of entertainment), she's also easy-going but at the same time she's not afraid to be blunt about how she truly feels.
And I guess it was this certain "honesty" and "real-ness" about her that made me attracted to her in the first place. We've hung out plenty of times and at some point she figured out that I like her but she (unfortunately, and unsurprisingly as well) couldn't return those same feelings towards me.
Alright, I'm cool with that (well, not initially, of course) but the thing that gets me is why does she still want to hang out with me? Just to be friends? Did she feel obligated (out of guilt) to spend time with me because I like her but she doesn't like me back? We usually hang out just the two of us and let me tell ya, we've had numerous uncomfortable silent moments. It'd come to the point in which we'd just say random things in hopes to keep the conversations flowing, and knowing her, this is saying a lot. I don't blame her though. I blame myself for not being able to string conversations along.
So, really, does anyone know why this girl still wants to hang out with me? I don't think I'm a doormat, it's not like I pay for everything and I do forget my manners every now and then (not on purpose, of course). So what does she see in me that I don't see in myself? Or, am I just looking far into this?