Im 20 years old and am a virgin I met a girl that I am absolutly crazy abut and last night was our first time really trying to explore or sexuality togehter. So anyways she started playing with me and I would get a little hard but it went away qucikly however then we tried to have sex and I couldnt have an erection. I am so worried this is gonna hurt which otherwise is probably the best relationship ive ever had. I have jerked off alot in the past and usually can get a pretty good erection tho it isnt probably all what it should be unless I can get really turned which sometimes I will and get probably what is my maximum erection tho that is knida of strange. The other 2 girls ive been with both gave me blowjob and but neither time did I get a realy good erection. I mean this is like since back when I was 16 when I first got a blowjob and I still couldnt get an erection then. I should mention I am quiet overweight but I can do have pretty good endurance so it not really the problem.
This girl has already started questioning our relationship she says its not because of this but I really think it is. Please help me I dont want to throw away what might be the love of my life.