thanks for listening people.. EDit: best i delete this ..
thanks for listening people.. EDit: best i delete this ..
Last edited by Username505; 11-06-09 at 08:02 PM.
After reading your post, I somehow have the feeling that you guys shouldn't be together.
There's something in this story that rings alarm bells.
It's two-fold: first of all: you have problems due to your past girlfriend (the paranoia about the cheating), secondly, you went way to fast into a new relation. I think you may be on a rebound.
The other thing that sorta rings alarm bells is the way you describe your current g/f. You're not sure how she's going to react. Usualy, that indicates that you may (I clearly say may) be involved with someone who's either emotionaly restricted, or emotionaly abusive.
I dunno, but seems like you both have problems. Maybe you guys should go counseling together. Even if that doesn't make the relation better, at least it'll pinpoint the issues with each of you individualy, thus giving you both pointers what to work on, as a couple, or as individuals. And even if she doesn't want to go counseling, at least go for yourself so you can start dealing with the trauma that's being left by your ex.
I could of course be wrong here, but my gut feeling tells me different.
thank you for your post. Its something i am going to have to think about in the coming weeks but i really want to try and get something sorted because i do really like her. Its like everytime she does something cute i just want to hug and kiss her but sometimes shes not always wanting that. One time i did it and it made her feel trapped somehow apparnetly :S
I don't know about that. Seems like she's having issues herself. Doesn't seem right to me that she would feel trapped by a show of affection. That's why I really would recommend you both seeing a counselor.
If you both have issues and you don't take both care of them, I think you understand that eventualy that relation is going to go bad. And even if only you take care of your issues, and the relation goes bad, at least, you're partialy prepped for another relation when the time comes.