Hi there.
Let me set this up short and sweet.
Some girl I don't know, and has no connections with me, mutual friends, etc... added me on facebook. I then went ahead and added her on msn. So far we talked 3 times, for about 30mins-1h30mins each time. I initiated all three conversation.
Yesterdays she was online for 4 hours while I was on too. I didn't want to initiate a conversation with her, I was hoping she would. She never did. I know she was there case she posted stuff on her FB.
The thing is I'm sure he is interested in me. Reason being she said I had nice pictures on me on FB. She seems to flirt alot when we talk. Says things like Can't wait to see that. when Signed off and said talk to you later, she answered hope so. She signs off with xxx. Anyways what im getting at is that Is it normal for girls not to initiate things? Since my previous gf initiated more than me.
I'm gonna ask her out next time I talk to her, I'm pretty sur she'll say yes, but maybe I'm just seeing signs where there are none?
Hate this cause I'm stressed out for no reason... Hence why I want to ask her out and get the whole does she like me or not stress game over.
I've talked to her 3 times in last five days, before that never knew her. Am I going too fast?
Thanks for any input!