My woman and i have discussions about racial preferences all the time.
That's how we met, so this topic is very interesting to us.
I am chinese, raised in los angeles, married a chinese woman.
My woman is white, raised in los angeles, married a white man.
Neither of us seriously dated the other race. Now we discovered
that our differences in physical traits, culture and backgrounds make
us very every way. We have concluded that Asian men
and white women make a very wonderful combo.
My woman tells me that her white girlfriends never considered
Asian men as dating options. Not because asian men are unattractive
or anything. They just never considered the choice. Similarly,
my white and asian buddies never considered black women as
a dating option...and we cant figure out why.
I consider asian men and black women to be the forgotten groups
in our society....due to media and stereotypes. But i gotta say,
any interracial couples involving these groups have proven to be
successful and happy. Why does society ignore such success?