Hi everyone
So here goes
Me and my boyfriend have been together almost a year now and his ex is still causing problems.
When we first got together she was causing problems by constantly saying how much she still loved him (even though she broke up with him) and saying how I wasn't good enough for him. They both work together so its hard for him to ignore her as well, but over the last few weeks she keeps giving him dirty looks and saying how he keeps making her jealous. I don't understand why she is still like this, they were only together a maximum of 3 ,months so she should be past it. I already suffer from anxiety as it is and so hearing that she is still trying to cause problems doesn't help. They used to text one another when we first got together until I told him it made me uncomfortable and now he tells me everything that she says so I know which helps it just aggravates me why she hasn't let this go when its been almost a year since they broke up
I would just like to hear from anyone who has been in the same situation and what they did about it, because I'm truly lost as what to do