My boyfriend has many times alluded to us getting married. In the beginning of our relationship he stated, "I will marry you right now!" during a confrontation. Later that year at Christmas he gave me a ring pop as a "gag gift"-not funny to me. Months later he told me that he would have proposed a while ago if I liked a ring that he could afford. That turned out to be a lie. Most recently he told me that he wanted us to get engaged within the year. However, I did not take too much of it to heart because I was not ready to commit to marriage myself. But, now I am ready. Our two year anniversary is approaching and before we got serious, I told him that I wouldn't date anyone more than three years without a wedding date. Thus I would like to get engaged within 12 months as well. However, I'm not sure if he will intend to actually propose since he said such benign comments in the past. Does he want to marry me? Or is he just giving me loads of bull?
side note* everytime he mentioned a "marriage" comment in the past, I never initiated the conversation once! he always brought it up himself.