Hi everyone,

This is my first post on the website. I was drawn here due to the fact that I didn't want to bore friends with my love life anymore, plus, what do they know anyway?

This girl whom I have been interested in forever, has been my best friend for many years. She considers me to be her best friend as well and has also admitted to being interested in me before. However, we live in different states. We have never dated in the past due to prior relationship commitments.

Recently, when she was in town, we went out on a date and ended up hooking up as well as being extremely affectionate for the remainder of her stay. We spent about a week together with a large amount of public display of affection.

She got out of a troubled 4 year relationship and started seeing this guy whom lives in her state. I suspect she is still interested in both her ex boyfriend, her current fling, and me. It sounds crazy, I know....

After our time together was over, she informed me that she needed to be alone and was unsure of her feelings. She said she thought we needed to spend more time together before our true feelings came out. However, I am already quite sure of my feelings for her and she knows this. Also, we used to talk every single day on the phone, multiple times. Now, I haven't spoken to her in days.

So what should I do? Ignore her? Forget about it? Give her space?
