19, F. WA
1. Love means caring for someone enough to be able to put them above yourself AT TIMES and compromising in order to make the relationship work. It means truly and whole-heartedly accepting your partner for who he/she is and be willing to work with their flaws. There's no set definition love means something different to everyone but those are a couple that immediately come to mind for me.
2. If we're talking relationship-wise the keys aspects would be trust, dedication, honesty, and loyalty
3. Well my bf and i made it official after we had sex but i'd say that it definitely cemented our relationship we've been together for about 5 1/2 months now
4. Well physically my bf didn't appeal to me right away, more so because we were just friends. Physically he is pretty attractive he's tall 6'4" and he works out a ton so he is buff. Otherwise he is just a fun, and smart person. I remember times when he was protective of me from strangers or ppl that i was having issues w/ and that was definitely a good quality that made me feel attracted to him.
5. I was very young and naive, enough said.
6. yes, and it wasn't lust on my part...i an't speak for the other end but it was just a very toxic relationship that drove me nearly nuts
7. I honestly believe it just happens. My bf and i's relationship was the LASTTTT thing i EVER would have imagined happening
8. isn't this the same as question num 1??
9. I have and if i could go back and change it i would.
10. Any kind of affection, i love just spending time in bed cuddling and talking
"Sometimes the best way to throw a punch is to take a step back"~Morgan freeman