So I'm in a long distance relationship that has been a bit of a rollercoaster. For the most part we have been good, but there have definitely been some rough patchs. I am moving back to where we share an apartment in about 1 1/2 months (been away for 4 1/2).
So here's the thing, I'm usually not a jealous guy, but she went out with some well to do dudes last friday and i got a bit jealous cause i didn't hear from her all i sort of wrongfully interrogated her. I know, not the smartest thing to do, and certainly not sexy to be jealous. I've learned that lesson. Well she was pretty upset about it. (even though i never swore, never raised my voice, and never accused her of doing anything wrong) i was just a bit insecure about the situation. Anyhow, she writes me a pretty harsh email saying that "we're on a break" and not to talk to her. So i'm totally heartbroken and far away, and i tried to contact a couple of her friends to get their perspective on it. Well, we ended up working it out. And i talked to one of her friends on the phone after the fact. I never said anything bad about her, i just said that i was a jealous jack ass, and what should i do? Well, her friend calls her up to make sure she is okay and tells my GF that we talked. SOOOOOO, now my GF is furious at me cause she thinks i went behind her back and gave up private information. I was just desperate and trying to get some insight from one of her friends. She sent me a text saying not to talk to her last night.....but i'm flying there tonight. (already had ticket and trip planned) I dont even know if she's going to show at the airport now. I dont think what i did was so terrible. I think its mostly just that i didnt understand shed get so upset about it. What do you girls think?