I broke up with this girl that I had a 9 year on-again/off-again ex girlfriend about a year ago. Without me asking her she claims to not have slept with anyone. 4 months ago after not talking to her for 6 months I called her, saw her, but stopped talking to her again until a week ago because: We had been talking then on this one particular day she sent me text messages from her cell phone to my email account instead of answering the phone. I finally sent an email to that text phone says, "It's a complete insult to have someone text messaging from the same phone that they're screening your calls from." I didn't speak to her for another 4 months.
Then a week ago I got back in touch with her. She answered half of my phone calls saying that she was sick. My gut tells me that this was an excuse to get out of spending time with me.
A few days ago just like 4 months ago, once again, she didn't answer this cell phone with email capabilities. After avoiding 2 of my phone calls I finally sent a email message to her cell phone saying, "It's obnoxious not to answer a cell phone with caller ID. It's like evidently being home with 3 cars in front of the house and not answering the door. Don't email me again" She sent back an email claiming to be with a friend. I guess she's sick when it comes down to doing something with me but not with other people.
I left a voice message this morning that said "It hurts to get blown off like this" then finally left a message saying, "I want nothing to do with you."
I can't help but to notice the correlation between last year when she finally got thin (she was always 30-50 LBs overweight) and started avoiding me. I'm not trying to get back into a relationship with her but I just can't deal with this attitude against me that she didn't have before.
She says she's too busy to date anyone else but I say that she's lying to me and maybe she wants to lead me on so that an ex-boyfriends phone number pops up on her caller ID to make the new lover that she supposedly doesn't have jealous. I don't see why else her actions don't match her words. We had been able to date in the past without a relationship and that's what I was hoping for. But she always has one excuse or another to get out of spending time together.
I guess I should just be accepting of this rude 21st century phone etiquette which makes it acceptible not to answer the phone with caller ID, huh? I think not! Like I wrote earlier, not answering a cell phone with caller ID is like not answering your front door with 3 cars in the drive way. I'm 30, by the way, but anyone who has any suggestions to offer about mistakes that I made or that she made, I'm all ears.