there's this girl in my college class, we get on really well and have a great time in the lectures. there's a rumour going around that i have feelings for her and i think she's heared it. she has also told my sister (they are friends) that she thinks i'm 'stunnin' and 'lush' (which i have seen in a txt.)
in the last two lectures that we have been in, when we've been winding eachother up, she has been replying with comments such as: 'just bcoz u love me'. 'i know u love me'. 'y dont u jus finish with ur g/f so we can get on with our livesoo wis'. then she says stuff like 'i'm sooo winding u up'.i wud just like to know whether or not this could mean that she has feelings for me? i do fancy her, but sumtimes feel that my feelings for her make me think she feels the same way.any ideas???