Death (separation) anxiety dream?
Darkness --> light = hopes of heaven (love)
Extreme anger = possibly frustration?
Cat = well, obviously you love your cat, and I think your cat maybe represents love, comfort and safety in this dream, but I found this explanation in my daughter's dream symbol book:
"The emotional side of the dreamer, as well as the uconscious willpower of the dreamer. On one hand, it is a symbol of deception and cunning. It always refers to a woman, since the cat is commected to the archetypal female. On the other hand, the cat is a symbol of independence, lust, and self-will, again exclusively referring to a woman. It is a symbol of female sexual organs (pussy) and sexual aggression. But it is also a sign of physical agility, orgasm and freedom. If a man or a woman is having cat dreams, it always addresses the feminine side (anima)."
Eh, that explanation is a little too Freudian for my taste, though.
Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?