Okay I told u guys about this girl who has a boyfriend that was talking to me and I have a new problem with her now. I texted and asked her if she loved her boyfriend and she replied yes saying they plan to get married after college. I then told her sorry about the other nights she was with me and that I won't get in the way anymore while we are at school. She then responds with "no thanks you scare me". I have no clue what that is supposed to mean considering the night she claimed I scared her she was laughing the whole time and invited me to eat with her.
Another problem is she has 15 dollars of my money and I have a necklace of hers. When I texted her asking when she wants to meet up and give each others stuff back she responds it will happen on in the mean time stop contacting her and she will contact me. Like an hour after that she gets her friend to call my friend and told me to go pick it up. I'm starting to get irritated at this point so I'm just gonna keep her necklace and make her come get it whenever she decides to stop acting so immature.
Would love feedback on situation.