I became obsessed about a girl in HS. I actually saw a life with her and everything. Now that I'm in college, I'm trying to undo all the feelings that I ever had about her. So I erased her from my facebook (for the second time... the first time was for the same reason. Long story...)
This time though, I blocked her so she can't find me. For one, I won't see her name anywhere in 3rd party wall posts. Also, she might think that I deactivated my account... which is stupid because she would never be stupid enough to think that.
But bottomline, she knew that I liked her a lot. Would she understand why I erased her from my fb? Personally, I wouldn't take it too harshly if someone erased me, but I'm a guy. And I got a feeling that chicks keep score on this kind of stuff. I don't think I can ever understand chicks...
What do you think?