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Thread: Advancing Options

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Advancing Options

    Alright, so I am having trouble reading a girl. I want to get to know her better, but I'm not sure quite what to do.

    Tiny bit of back story:

    About 2-3 weeks ago, I met this girl (20-21 years old), became Facebook friends, and talked quite a bit. However, she seems to end conversations abruptly. She'd respond later (not long after she got off) but the conversations just kind of halted. Eventually, I got her number to make things easier to message her. Same thing there. Very abrupt ends to the conversations. She doesn't give me a lot (sometimes any) space to continue a flow of conversation. In person, it's different. Conversations just happen naturally and continue well. But, I don't really ever see her.

    Now, most conversations are short text/short Facebook messages. Also, it's slightly apparent I dig her (at least to friends). I thought she was into another person, but at the same time I think I still might have a shot. I feel like any positive signs are offset by a negative signs (mainly the short conversations that just end).

    I have a few options, but I'm not sure which one to take:

    - a friend said to lay low. She what she does. She's pretty laid back but can get pretty energetic. But due to the lacking texts/Facebook conversations I should lay low.

    - I could ask a friend to she if she is into anyone. However, I feel like this may backfire and may be a bit more cowardly. Maybe not cowardly, but something along those lines.

    - I was also thinking of going against option 1 and inviting her over to catch a TV show or grab some dinner off campus. She may be waiting for someone else to do something. This way I can see/talk to her in person.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have been messaging her less as of late, but if that is seen as a negative thing, I would change that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Best way to get a bitch like this is to ignore her. If you can, post a few pics on your facebook of you and another bird, and if she likes you even a little bit, the jealousy will make her crazy. If that doesnt work, post a pic of your knob and see if she likes it. Thats how i got my gf.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    He's right. Ignore this bitch. Keep going after other girls. If this girl does contact you, ask her straight away if she wants to come over for a movie. If she says yes, then make a move on her, and if she doesn't at least give you head, then stop talking to her.

    This girl isn't worth anything but a ****.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Yes, Ignoring her will be the best thing to do, it can make her appreciate your presence if she has feeling for you even a little.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Bad advice.....crazy idea here but ask her out first. Who wants To go round and round on Facebook and texts without being asked for a date. Jeesh! You kids today!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by surfhb View Post
    Jeesh! You kids today!
    Yeah but look on the positive side. They're not going to be doing any shagging so that'll help cut world population which can't be a bad thing? I say continue ****ing around on facebook.

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