Never thought I'd be doing this but need advice on something that happened a year ago. I'll try to keep it short,
This guy and I have liked each other since High School (which was over 10 years ago). We have mutual friends but nothing ever happened between us at the time. 10 years later, I see him, and that attraction is still there and very strong. We talked and he asked me to hangout but had told him I was in a relationship. I am living with the father of my kid and have been for the past 8 years. We've had a lot of problems but have been staying together for our daughter and that is all, we both know this as well and that the love is no longer there. Anyway, 2 years went by that I saw him and I couldn't stop thinking about him, it finally got to the point that I tracked him down and called him. He told me we should get together. We met up, had dinner and I did tell him the truth, that I was still living with the father of my kid, he seemed upset obviously but we ended up sleeping together that night. It was great and have never experienced love like this with anybody in my life. The sex was great and afterward we stayed up for hours talking about life, etc. What we wanted, etc. He whispered to me he loved me, and I said it back. He told me though that he wasn't going to see me again until I broke things off with my daughters dad, which I understood. I have wanted to leave but am afraid and have been for several years. I'm afraid of hurting him, afraid of hurting her and everybody around me so I've stayed. A day hasn't gone by that I haven't thought about this guy, I do love him, I know it seems so soon but do with my heart. I never have heard from him again and assumed he's moved on with his life. That morning I left his house he said some really hurtful things to me as well, I think because he was hurt because he expected me to leave and be with him right away which I guess I was afraid of. I wanted to do it the right way. How do you think he feels, do you think he meant what he said to me that night and do you think he still thinks of me? I know that the first thing would be to get out of this relationship I am in, esepecially because we've both known for years it was over. I am just exhausted and never thought it would come down to this for me. What do you think? Do you think I screwed things up with him?