The Wall
We once were a wall, tall and strong.
A place for lovers to sit upon.
Sturdy and stout, sure as no other,
Why did you start hauling bricks away?
What once was a barricade to the world’s strife,
A comfort and breaker in the cold night,
Solid and sure, it held as no other.
Why have you knocked down our ramparts?
I built on our wall and tended with care;
A place to face the world together.
Stones of love, and mortar of promise,
Why must you tear down our shelter?
Dynamite and sledgehammer, you wield them with power,
Pulling, tearing and destroying our tower.
Broken and fallen, piled in disarray.
The scraps of our dreams, and shards of our prayers.
Why should I wait in the rubble and layers,
For you to seek high ground again?
Once the dust settles and all the smoke clears,
After the pouring and drying of tears,
The ruins will be haunting and howling in blue,
A ghost of our love forsaken by you.
And so in the night you awake in a sweat,
Dreaming of dreams laced with regret,
Times of great promise left unfulfilled,
Crushed by the wall you once tried to build,
Beaten and drawn by failure of love,
And tumbling down from somewhere above,
turret of betrayal, a tomb for your heart.
Not only walls can be torn apart.