I never goto strip clubs just because of a stubburn principle of mine that strip clubs are for desperate people and im not about to pay for any physical or sexual activity because i can get it for free from my (ex) girlfriend at the time
It has been 2 months since my ex broke up with me and since then my friends are pushing me to go to a stirp club, they say that it would help me to get over her, especially if i will get a lap dance.
I really dont like the place for the reason that i mentioned and because of all of the old desperate people who go there and sit next to the stage and just drill at the strippers.
As i said it has been 2 months since she broke up with me and since then i did not have any phsyical contact with any girls, mostly because of the "grieving stages".
So what do u think falks, I dont really want to go, but if in a way it would make me to divert my attention away from my ex and in away will help me to move on, im willing to do it...as they say desperate times call desperate measures