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Thread: She likes me she likes me not!? Help please!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    She likes me she likes me not!? Help please!!

    Hi.. just to start off im a virgo and she is a capricorn girl (im into astrology) so if any capricorn females maybe u can help me out here!

    im 26 and so is she..basically she is friends with my friends..and ive seen her out quite a few times..but never really chatted..she always looked intimidating to me..as in dont talk to me..so i never did...(tho i have caught her a few times looking at me) ..at this moment in time she was seeing someone..NOT official!..anyways..her friend who is my friend is always trying to set us up because she knows i find this girl attractive ..and so one night we were out my friend txt this girl saying i find her attractive and the girl just randomly txt back saying lets go out for a drink..even tho she was seeing someone else..so i agreed cuz i really liked this girl..we went out..had a really really good time felt comfortable..laughed chatted about alot of stuff, flirted and ended up drunk..went back to hers..slept in the same room..nothing happend tho because we were too drunk..i mean she slept topless next to me..( i know im an idiot)
    anyways..woke up..next morning she went off and then i left..she text me first ..flirty comments back and forth and saying she had a good time with me etc n that it was hard to sleep next to me..
    so day after that she completely different..basically someone of the friends group (i know who) told the guy she is seeing that she went out for a drink with me n went mental at her..throwing her out of his place etc..then she txt me saying she is now with him etc n cant see me..only as friends..and i said to her fair enough..but she should have not agreed to go out with me..apparently guy freaked when she went out with me n decided to make it official..what a cock mind my language.
    so few weeks have passed..and ive been hanging out with her abit cuz she lives with my very good friend now..and im there abit..i dont flirt or anything..we around eachother more so i think she likes me more n more n has started to flirt again..she like teases me n insults me (in a flirty way) throws stuff at me jokingly n gives me the look....and she asks about me to her friends..and says she likes me..and she always inviting me to go do leisure stuff with her etc..and i just dont know what to do... i really like her and want to win her over..but im not showing her how i feel and i dont flirt cuz she hurt me abit..but everytime i see her ..i just cant help but like her so much just clicks with her..we have so much in common too..well if anyone bothered to read this..i know its boring..any suggestions? i mean i have options of other girls not to sound cocky..but i just cant get her off my mind...i mean she said for me to go out with her friday..do i wait for her to ask me or do i txt her and ask if she still up for it..do i play it cool and play hot n cold..heeelpp :/

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Thanks for the advice..

    Im going to txt her tomorrow..and i agree we are always so scared of rejection..but if u think about it..what is the worst thing that will happen may make a fool of yourself and she will say no.... but we can always move on from it..atleast we tried.
    and yeah i do really like her..had alot of bad luck with women lately..scared i will get hurt..
    but like u said i dont want to live with regret..thanks again

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    The Greater New York Region
    Us Virgos got it rougher than any other sign when it comes to dating and relationships. Not only do we gotta fight to get in the door, we gotta fight ourselves to go in the door, be welcome there and want to stay there. Bleeding Christ. Stay in the fight and just ride the wave. We analyze too much. (How can we not, it makes so much sense) but love requires an illogical response which is something that us Virgos have a severe handicap with. How do you solve an illogical thing without using logic? You just ride the wave until it crashes man. Go for it.
    Same song and dance.
    "Whats the weather like kid?" --- "Its always sunny in Hell."

    Third date! Can't stop fate. Its time to take this thing we got to the next level.
    SURPRISE showed up at your job again! I was thinkin' I wanna be everything to you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Turtle View Post
    Us Virgos got it rougher than any other sign when it comes to dating and relationships. Not only do we gotta fight to get in the door, we gotta fight ourselves to go in the door, be welcome there and want to stay there. Bleeding Christ. Stay in the fight and just ride the wave. We analyze too much. (How can we not, it makes so much sense) but love requires an illogical response which is something that us Virgos have a severe handicap with. How do you solve an illogical thing without using logic? You just ride the wave until it crashes man. Go for it.

    True that..we do analyze too much..sometimes its so simple and right infront of but we always manage to ruin it with our over analyzing..i just know she still seeing this guy and she invited me out with her friends monday..and im comtemplating whether to go or not..could be using me to make him jealous or she genuinly likes me..here i go analyzing lol..like u said..go for it..what is their to lose

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