It's nice to do something completely new. Something that's never been done on a date before. Often this can be such a simpe task, and often it's a bit of a wierd one.
My ex and I still date each other (long story), but last Sunday I brought her to a store that sold frozen foods and we picked out dinner together. So we kinda went shopping and then "reheated" the precooked food for dinner. A little wierd, but definitely something fun and memorable.
Next time maybe it'll be a hike in the woods. Or horseback riding (if it's warm enough), or sometimes something good and traditional like mini-golf. Just do something interesting. And if you do something new or exciting enough to stick in their heads, then BRAVO! for you!
PS - Dating tip, always leave them happy. Especially before you guys are in a relationship, you want to say goodnight at some point in the night when she's really smiling and almost wishes that it didn't have to end right then. Cause that leaves them associating "being with you" and "happiness/laughter". And they remember you as a POSITIVE thing.
So it's probably not a good idea to take her to a movie like, "A Walk To Remember" and then say goodnight directly afterwards. A better choice would be to take them to, well, something more along the lines of a "Happy Puppy Petting Zoo" and then say goodnight.