I've recently started to notice that my boyfriend of 1 year is starting to show signs of jealousy to some of my male friends. My friends are very important to me and I don't see why I should have to sacrifice my friendship or how much I talk with them just to make him less jealous about it. He knew from the start and I made it perfectly clear I tend to have more male friends than female friends and that I am close with some of them.
He keeps saying he isn't jealous but if he knows I am talking to some of them he will start replying cold to me and act sad about it, I dont think he will admit it. The problem is he is mentioning it indirectly almost daily now, asking what I am doing apart from chatting to guys etc and it is starting to annoy me. The worst thing is he spoke to one of my male friends and got his number off him for whatsapp/bbm but then made out as if my male friend gave it to him. I can't stand if he's just using that information to stalk who I am talking to and when. For now it hasn't annoyed me that much but do you think this is just going to get worse?
He has female friends and I have no issues with that whatsoever. The problem is some of my friends I have been close with for over 5 years and I trust them with everything, whereas i have been with my bf for 1 year, it's not like he can expect me to just change my friendship with people surely? these people have been there for me when times have been rough and they are always there for me, i think he did not really understand at first how close i am with some of my guy friends but perhaps now he is?
Any thoughts would be appreciated, thanks.