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Thread: Why cant guys say there feelings?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Why cant guys say there feelings?

    I been talking to this guy for almost a month now, At first he was texting me ALOT like all day even when he was at work. Then some crazy shit happened with him and my ex husband. ((he seen us at a bar and called him out, but nothing really happended)).. After that he still talks to me just not as much. Then last Monday I stayed the night at his house, and he acted like he really liked me. But ever since that day hes been really distant. Not talking much at all and only when I say something he texts back, he acts like he dont want to talk to me but I asked him and he says he likes talking to me.. But still he doesnt really talk and whenever I ask a question I get like a one word answer and its NEVER a straight answer. So yesterday I told him that i would really like it if he just told me he didnt want to talk to me insteada just acting like he dont want to, it'd make me feel better. And he just says " I hate when people say stupid stuff". What is going on? Why do guys have to beat around the bush and cant just say there feelings?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    It kinda seems to me like hes been hurt alot and dont like talking about his past at all, he says he dont remember alot from when he was younger.. His first girlfriend after me cheated on him with his brother and his brother signed the birth certificate to his daughter. After that he was in a 2 year relationship with another girl who he said he was gonna marry and had a son with. He kind of acts like he dont want to have feelings. He says he dont want anything because he just wants to be simple... I dont know what to do or think, but I REALLY like him and I dont want to give up because I'm pretty sure he likes me.. I just dont know whats' going on..
    P.S. I am married. But seperated, and also have a son. And he's been not with his girl for 10 months and I havent been with my Husband for about 2 months, so i dont think its that. Unless guys just get over it slower than girls. ( I'm not a slut, Me and my husband have been on and off for a while now)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    UK: England
    He doesn't relay his feelings and because it doesn't sound like he has any feelings for you.

    Can't you take a hint?

    The guy never calls you, gives you 'one' worded responses in reply to your texts - uhm, how much more clearer can he make it??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Most guys are raised to not let their feelings out because it will make us look weak in front of people. A man is supposed to be tough and strong no matter what and because of this believe, later in life we still act this way with everyone and anyone we meet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    What exactly happened between him and your ex-husband? I can see a guy quickly losing interest if there is a crazy ex waiting to take a baseball bat to his windshield.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    b/c most girls lose interest once the guy says his feelings

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    UK: England
    Quote Originally Posted by Applesauce View Post
    b/c most girls lose interest once the guy says his feelings
    I don't, but then I'm a woman not a girl.....big difference.

    I get all excited if he shows feelings and they are mutual.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    why cannot girls shut up sometimes? they always must know feeligs and thoughts and always talk about how they feel. men donot waste time to think and talk of feelings, instead they behave because of their feelings.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    UK: England
    Quote Originally Posted by Þēostru View Post
    why cannot girls shut up sometimes? they always must know feeligs and thoughts and always talk about how they feel. men donot waste time to think and talk of feelings, instead they behave because of their feelings.
    I like to know how a man feels and particularly if it's a guy I like. Knowing how he feels about me, is an indicator of whether I am wasting my time or not with him. And if I'm wasting my time, I'd rather move on than be 'led' on.....and end up hurt.

    People should be straight up and honest with each other about what they want, are looking for and then there would be no confusion - men and women alike.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by leoben View Post
    What exactly happened between him and your ex-husband? I can see a guy quickly losing interest if there is a crazy ex waiting to take a baseball bat to his windshield.
    I think this is onto something.

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