Hi everyone! I need big time help! especially guy advice.I just met a guy but he throws me off all the time!!He is the one who approached me!.After 2 whole months of him "knocking on my door",when I finally open it t happily I may add,he doesn't come in!!!!.WHAT THE HELLL!!!!.He tottally asked me for my number,he NEVER called!.He asks me if I have a boyfriend,he asks me questions about myself.He seems very interested.He even asked me what was I going to do on the New Year.Sadly I had to work.It seemed to me that he really wanted to take me out that night.He dissapeared for a whole month with no sign of life!.After exactly 1 month,he shows up at my work.By the way he is a customer,that's how we met.So anyway.That January was Hell on earth for me.I thought I was never going to see him again.I literally cryed myself to sleep most nights,thinking about the "what if's".So my co-workers and friends would tell me he would show up when I least would expect it.Just when I was loosing hope.BOOM,he shows up!.I actually wrote him a letter,basically letting him know he was not wasting his time and I also liked him back.I attached my number as well as my work's.Surprise Surprise he hasn't called at all!!!.WTH!!!OH I am 98 percent sure he was hanging outside my work.He parked just behind my car,waited like a good 5mns,drove to the back of the store,then rolled just outside my window,stayed like a good 2mns then left!.I think he was going to tell me God knows what,he couldn't so he just hanged inside his car and just left.I havent heard from him at all!!!.The letter actually stresses how much I miss him,about him dissapering I even told him to his face that I missed him.Oh he said he would drive pass the store and he would see me.I asked him why didn't he come in he just apologized.He kinda messed up by sayng he came inside the store just to see if I was still there.Oh yeah he was actually honest about not calling me.I am not a damn psychic he can just pick up the phone and text me if he feels weird or too nervouse to talk to me.Should I had asked for his number,just as he did mine?Should I give him time to process the letter and for him to come around?.I miss him so much.I think about him and just want to kiss him.I feel like he is deciding for both of us.He needs to let me know where I stand,so we can both move on.Shoul I keep giving him more time???HELP!!!.I think he is WAY to shy right?.My friend says maybee he has never met a girl like me before,that he is dosent know how to act or what to say,now that it actually became real for him.I don't know I just need for him to give me some kind of an answer.What the hell is going through his head!!! HELP GUYS PLEASE!!!!!.