so i went to the mall today with one of my friends , anyways long story short
i ended up talking to this girl that works at old navy , she asked me stuff like where do i work , if i was looking for a job also (my friend asked if they were hiring) and basically it was very easy to talk to her . she asked me if i knew the same ppl she knows that works at my place .meaning she knows ppl at my place and she wanted to know if i knew them too .
so do you think she was just small talking or she was hinting about being interested ...also she keept staring at me before i even spoke to her and she keept smiling ...and i know she has no BF (my other friend used to go to the same HS as her and told us about her )
cuz if shes interested and even if shes not , ill put the moves on her next week . just wanna se your inputs on this .
ps: i havent ""dated"" in 2 years and just got out of a 15th month relationship but im over it now . i dunno if im going to fast as to take her out next week ...after meeting her for 5 mins before .