I met a girl at work.
We don't talk much because A. we are in different department and B. We have different things to do and C. I don't know what else to say beside school, work or weekend related stuff.
One day, when she was getting off work by walking out the door, she started to talk about how long that she had been working straight but I want to end the conversation short without lingering at the door, so I asked her "Do you have a number that I can call you?"
Her response: "Honestly, I don't because I am switching phone company from A to B but I will let you know when I have my phone number."
(She was referring to cell phone company)
I said, "Okay, bye."
Here is my Questions:
A. Does that sound fishy to you? I mean anybody can apply a new cell phone first and then cancel the old one, right? And why didn't she give me her home phone number instead? (I didn't ask because I don't want to piss her off)
B. Should I wait or should I ask again? How long should I wait? How should I ask without being bothersome? Should I ask her to leave the number by slip it to my locker when she feels ready?
Note: We both are not teenagers.