anyboy here write blog me!
anyboy here write blog me!
see it yet?
My Blog: [url];_ylt=AqzC3thKNSxgc0tFDem3 nBekAOJ3[/url]
oh, really? remember anything about Vietnam now?
My Blog: [url];_ylt=AqzC3thKNSxgc0tFDem3 nBekAOJ3[/url]
Why do you keep trying to get us to read your blog?
Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?
ah, i want to introduce myself to everyone ...
is that okay?
My Blog: [url];_ylt=AqzC3thKNSxgc0tFDem3 nBekAOJ3[/url]
to: vashti
did i bother you?
My Blog: [url];_ylt=AqzC3thKNSxgc0tFDem3 nBekAOJ3[/url]
Here's a tip for ya.
No need to be so polite here, it is a loveforum, but we're very straightforward.
Also, your posts have yet to consist of anything more than unnecessary questions.
If you want to introduce yourself, introduce yourself, don't ask.
If you want to post a problem or what have you, go ahead, don't ask permission don't be afraid to offend people.
This is a good group here but we deal with a lot of people on a daily basis so it helps you are direct and to the point.