Hello. I've been with this girl for almost 3 months and the relationship ended pretty badly... I was kind of jealous and couldm't really trust her because of her past... she felt hurt and then she said that we should be friends for a period of time. This happend a few days ago, and at the moment I am the hurt one. I'm going to try to get her back. She says that she doesn't feel anything, but some of her best friends says that she does care about me. So, I've heard about the no contact rule... but everyone says that it should be 30 days. She said that beacause of the relationship, she can't concentrate on the exam that she is going to have in 2 months and a half... which means 10 weeks. Should I wait that long and then send her a casual text to congratulate her for her results and start talking? I have to mention that, at that moment, I will be gone for a month, so it would mean to only text for a month... what should I do? Wait for her to finish the exams and try to take it slowly? Also, does the NC rule include no snaps, no likes on fb or instagram and so on? Thanks!