Hi all, I posted here on regarding a story on xmas eve, and how I ended up kissing an old school friend on that night (lips only) because of both being an old crush, plus alcohol, plus the fact I was missing my g/f on that night since it was my bday, and asked advice as to what to do. I have ended up not telling her as nearly all advice has been to not tell her because it was a xmas kiss, and that there was nothing to be gained out of telling her due to almost certain dumping. However in the time since then I have seen my feelings for my current g/f almost dissipate, and things feel as if, well to me anyway, that we are going through the motions. Is this down to my sense of guilt for that event? Have we run our course? etc. Plus will things be like this forever at least in my head unless I told her or will things get better over time. At the moment im struggling to let go of the sense that I have let my g/f down even though most peeps are telling me there is nothing to feel guilty for. Advice please P.S thanks to all those who wrote back on my first posting, much appreciated