I met a guy four months ago who was interested in seeing me, not sure what his intentions were but since he would always talk me out and introduced me to his friends I thought he was somewhat serious. He was infatuated with me for real. Nothing was wrong except that he initiated everything and he started pointing that out because I could go days without talking to him if he did not. I'm not sure what happened but we started seeing each other less, I was less emotionally engaged but he kept reaching out for me anyway. This one time I felt like we were doing really great, he was so eager about me it sort of scared me then he pulled back and we started going days without talking but he always did something about it. There was some ups and downs like when he joked about having a girlfriend it really put me off and he met up with another new girl once and made me aware of it. I pulled away, he pulled in.. We stopped going out and I started to receive texts where he complains that I never reach out for him, I went a week without talking to him then two and even four just recently until I bumped into him and he asks me over and over why I haven't talked to him at all and what I've been up to, he said he is waiting for me? It's always that constant "I never hear from you" and I tell him I will get back to him but I don't really. He has started to pull more girlfriend jokes even though he does not have one and I don't understand why he does it, he even asked me if I have slept with anyone during the time we haven't talked? Thing is that I had enough when I found out that he lied to me about his current living situation saying that he has no apartment anymore when in fact he just got a new roommate I heard whose a druggie who he does not want me to be talking to.. It's so shady. He lied straight up in my face! Yet he reached out for me again saying that he wants to hear from me but he doesn't intimate anything just text me that and I don't get in touch with him. It feels like a circus and I've considered breaking up whatever we have because I really get confused by his "my girlfriend is waiting for me, just kidding" then he calls me honey or acts like a boyfriend. Also if it's important I've slept with him a couple of times. Help me out??