I guess that makes me a man whore =)
If i'm not in a relationship and neither is the girl in question. I don't see any problem in sleeping together, as long as your safe about it. Sex is great, it releases a huge amount of andorphans (sp?), burns calories... and lets face it, it's fun.
And i also agree, if in a relationship, you have sex with one person, no exceptions. Well, i guess if your both into it, i guess you can add more people.
"We are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the rest of the universe atomically.
That’s kinda cool! That makes me smile and I actually feel quite large at the end of that.
It’s not that we are better than the universe, we are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us."
— Neil deGrasse Tyson