I would like to ask for advice and/or what everyone thinks about this. Currently have been dating a girl for about 8 months on long distance, however we see each other almost every weekend. We instantly saw we had a so much in common (interests, views, politics, religion, etc.) I have NEVER found anyone like her before, and yes I've dated other girls plenty of times. She has all the qualities I look for. However, it seems in the last 2-3 months I've grown "less interested" or do not love her like I used to it seems like. Maybe even a little less attracted, and finding more flaws in her. I'm afraid it sounds so shallow, but I don't want to be that way. I'm scared, as I do not want to let her go, for fear of losing her and regretting it. However, I also feel I should be open with her. Are these feelings normal or not? Should I give it more time? Should we llive together (plan in 3 months from now)? Should I tell her? Any help/advice greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Confused Dude