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Thread: Sorr, repeat...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Sorr, repeat...

    Sorry i posted this in the General Advice forum but I want the point of view of some women who maybe have some experience with this kind of thing.

    I have an issue that's been bugging me for awhile. I don't know if I'm at fault or not. Please bear with me.
    So my girlfriend and I have been together a bit over a year or so and we have grown very close in this time. I've run in to an annoying snag, however. Awhile back I was looking at a nice car for sale in a field. It is literally the car of my dreams. I already have a nice truck but I really wanted this car.I figured I could buy it for her to use until we got her a car of her own. One day she was with me in my truck as we were driving by the car and I pointed it out and said, "What if I bought you that car? I mean to get you by until we can get you a nice one? Then I can fix it up for me!" She said "That car is hideous. I wouldn't want it" I thought to myself, "I'll gladly get it for me then!"
    Several months went by and finally I said "Screw it" and bought the car for me. After about a week of her seeing people really like my car she started asking to use it and I obliged.
    She keeps telling people I bought it for her and calling it her car. She tries to hide it but gets upset at me when I say I didn't' buy it for her, even when we just joke around about it.
    My question is this; was I being an Indian giver in this case? Did I break my word? I want to know if I screwed up here.
    Thanks for reading all that!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I would try to get her a feminine car that she'd like even better soon. She is wrong in that it is not hers to keep, that it is hers to use until she gets a car. So it is not hers. Also, you've been with her a year, its enough to get close. They say after two years work starts, because some of the chemical attraction wears off. Are you living together and combining finances yet? If not make her buy her own car. It's good for a man to take care of his woman, but its not good to be a sugar daddy for a materialistic woman. Im not saying that's whats going on, I dont know enough about your relationship.
    You are not wrong. Its your money, you bought it for her to use and for you to inevitably keep. She should be grateful you did that.

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