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Thread: I really need input...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    I really need input...

    I'm in love with a girl. She is in love with me, but shes also in love with another guy. Don't tell me that she isn't really in love with either of us, because i know that she is. She is the most important thing in my life, i would do anything for her. She makes me feel incredible, i just can't explain it. Anyways, I am not her boyfriend. I am a very shy person, and I waited too long to tell her how i felt... and she was waiting for me to tell her. She got tired of waiting, and started going out with the other guy...

    My biggest problem is that hes kinda caught on that we're in love. Not that we've ever done anything, the only think I'll let happen (out of respect for her boyfriend) is hugging. I want to kiss her oh so much, but i can't. It frustrates the h*ll out of me. Anyways, he views me as competition, and hes begun to take it out on the girl i love. He tells her that she should stop talking to me, and that he would do that if he were in her shoes. The past few days hes made her absolutely miserable, to the point where she can't see me without crying, even though she tells me she can't stop talking to me. I suggested that I should stop talking to her, and that it would rip out my heart and soul and leave me dead inside, but that i would do it for her if it would make it easier for her. She got very upset that i would even suggest it, and to tell you the truth it hurt me deep inside to even consider doing such a thing.

    I don't know what to say to her, or how to make it right. I would do anything to make her happy, even if it was with another guy. All i want is for her to be happy... but she can't be happy if she has to lose one of us. I feel terrible when she isn't smiling, I just can't help it.

    She really does love both of us. Her heart is so awesomely huge, and shes just a spectacular human being... Please help me, I don't know what to do and it feels like I'm drowning....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I'd really like to know what i should do... does anyone have any ideas?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Dublin, Ireland
    You say that she loves you and she also loves the other guy, that's weird, but ok i'll buy that. What the other guy is doing may become your luck or you bad luck. He's trying to make her mind to stop talking to you and sometimes some girls don't like to be force to choose between friends and boyfriend, and she might get tired of that behavior and leave him and return to you and this is the best for both of you . Your bad luck it's she might choose him instead of friends . She needs you, that's a fact and you should stay by her side, even if that become hard for you. Have patience and don't force anything

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    listen she is the one that has the ball in her court. you need to back off till she can make up her mind because to me it sounds as if she really would like to be w you so she needs to make a choice this love triangle is not fair they never are. and eventually one day those lips will look so sweet...can you resist forever can she.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Thanks for responding, guys...

    What I didn't say before was that, last spring, the other dude asked her out, and she turned him down to give me a chance to tell her how i felt... but I didn't, and she thought i didn't have feelings for her, so she took him up on his offer. I kick myself daily for this.

    I've told her that I'll wait forever for her, and i f*cking mean it. She and him have sort of come to a consensus... for now. I just know its going to prop up again... and most likely, soon.

    I know someone is going to be hurt... but I also know that she is going to be hurt no matter what. That tears me up inside... I don't want that at all. The only thing I could possibly do is back off... but I suggested that, and she ended up crying uncontrollably. I don't ever want to hurt her.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Dublin, Ireland
    My friend, you screw up everything again, but that you already know . In the first post you said your shy but if that might be a reason for the first miss to say "I Love You" to her, i thought that you learn the first lesson. Ok, i'm sorry for these first lines, but it's the true. What can i say... usually a thunder don't strike twice in the same place, however keep your eyes wide open and if another oportunity arrives, for God sake, tell her that you love her. There's nothing to lose and a lot to gain.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    oh, she knows i love her. She loves me too. I tell her all the time... but even when shes with her bf, when i'm around she won't kiss him and she'll mouth things to me... i wish she wouldn't do that, i'd rather she just enjoy herself with him, and not worry about me for a while...

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