lol. Yeah. I can't figure out why. I act normally, i don't have gay thoughts. I'm a nice guy. Maybe it's because i'm good looking I don't know. But I am confused as to why people think i'm gay. They give me the subliminal messages "Hey dude, do you listen to Marvin Gaye?" Shit like that, like i'm hitting on them and they're trying to deter me lol. It doesn't necessarily bother me but i'd rather people didn't think that. Wierd eh? Relationships are tough for me too. I go into work and I feel that everyone treats me softer than everyone else. I dunno, just a thought that's been on my mind. But I guess what I want to know is what am I doing wrong here? Er, not wrong but what am I doing to people that makes them think that? Even friends i've known for YEARS are like "dude your secret has been kept long enough." I just shrug it off and pretend like I don't know what they're talking about. I like girls. I am physically and sexually attracted to girls. Maybe i'm just crazy. I also seem to have a lot of anger built up inside of me that I can't figure out. I punch holes in the walls when I'm drunk and yell at the radio when I hear the phone number for an advertisement 11 times in a row. I hate that.
Vent over.