Two days ago I went to ny boyfriends house and after buying a 12 case of beer he said "we need to talk" worried and taken off gaurd we went into the laundry room of his apartment. He said his roomate does not like me and she did not want me spending the night. I said okay fine, I'm leaving. Emptied my beer and clearly upset I went inside grabbed my beer and left without sayin a single word. When I asked to go inside and confront her he did not respond so I closed my car door and left, like a bat out of hell got not even a min away, turned around in a gas station and returned pounding on the door. I confronted this girl saying. I'm not trying to start shit but if you have something you'd like to say towards me say it to my face, not talk behind my back. She than came back saying, she had no problem with me and the rest of the room agreed that she liked me. So, after making myself look completely stupid I told my ex to cone talk. J asked why he lied, he said he didn't, only that he heard it through the grape vein from his other room mates, I forgave him and tried to re enter the apartment to ask this girl if she minded if I stayed the night. He pulled me back and said " I had sex with her last night" with him saying that j started to shake, ripped off his dog tags from my neck set them in his hands and left again, only this time making it to the end of his driveway and reversing back. I walked inside without knocking and with him crying in the kitchen I asked why. He came back with, I was sooo drunk. Angry at this comment I ended up jawing him and busting open his lip with my rings....oops. Now, after hitting him I went into the living room and asked the girl he cheated on me with how my pussy tasted, and she seemed scared to answer. I than asked her if she would be with him and she said yes so I left. Crying and screaming on the drive to a friends house I was completely shaken up. He texted me tonight, two days later and said he was sorry and wanted me to forgive him..... Should I?