Hello everyone. I'm mike, 31 and new to the forums. Glad I found this place and hoping for some advice.
When I was 20, I started dating my now ex-wife. We dated for 2 years or so, then she proposed to me. Having planned on proposing myself, of course I agreed and we flew to Vegas and got married. For some crazy reason, we both kind of freaked out after the marriage. I think we felt trapped and being so young didn't help much either. We grew apart at the time and in a matter of a few weeks we decided to separate, and eventually divorced.
I still wonder what happened, it didn't really make sense because we had a fairly healthy relationship being boyfriend/girlfriend and finance's. Something about that marriage license took over us.
We were good friends immediately after the divorce. Then she moved to another state. I began to date and she did as well. I completely got over her and I'm quite sure she got over me. We talked and emailed back and forth a lot at first but then it was at most once a year.
For some odd reason, this past year, she has popped in my head a lot. Ive had several dreams per week about her. And I even find myself trying to find similarities in women I date, that I could compare to her. It's just crazy because I went through years of not even thinking about her.
Recently and out of the blue, she moved back to my state, only a couple hours away from my city. I sent her an email letting her know that I'd love to see her again - platonically. Maybe do lunch or something. She wrote back asking if I would call her, and that she could use a friend because she's had some rough times and what not.
Anyway, I can't get her off my mind now. I find myself thinking of what it would be like for us to get back together. I feel we were both unfair to the whole marriage thing because we were so young and thought we'd have a fantasy marriage. But I think we're both grown up now, I'm 31, she is 32. Not 20 and 21. I know it's been a really really long time, and that we're both completely different people now. But our recent conversations over the phone made me feel like I'm falling in love all over again. I'm not going to suggest or assume how she felt, but I sure was happy. I was even nervous when I called her, I never get nervous except on first dates.
Well, I want her back, or I feel like I do. I think the legality of our marriage and divorce is irrelevant in a way, because we were so young and didn't know what we want in life, at all.
I don't know how to even begin to approach the idea of us dating again. Of course I'm not looking to jump back into a marriage, I just want to date again, so we can get to know the "new us". But I have NO IDEA how she feels about that and I'm afraid visiting her will get me attached and I don't want to get rejected.
She asked me to come visit her, which I will do next weekend. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I can't control my feelings, and I feel like I want to pursue this more than just platonically. I'm self employed and my business is completely mobile so visiting her often, or even moving there is fine with me, if things work out of course.
How should I approach this situation? I appreciate any advice.