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Thread: Confusing Signals

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Confusing Signals

    I am very confused about this man right now and I hope you other men out there can help me get a better insight.
    I've been hanging out with him in the same group of friends for 6 months.He was always very flirty and we got along well.One night a few people were at my place for an evening with friends and he ended up staying over.We made out but I told him that I didnt want to have sex because I don't feel comfortable going that far with a man I don't know that well.He left the next day but never asked for my number,just texted me for some time after that on facebook.His best friend is my brothers girlfriend so we saw each other a few times after that and everything was flirty, fun and cool. After that he disappeared for 4 weeks and I put it off as a one night fling especially because he is very much a ladies man. He's the type of guy who goes to a club and has 10 beautiful top-model women gathering around him. So anyway,after that month we saw each other again at a friends dinner and all of a sudden he seemed very dedicated to me and like he kept trying to ask me out all evening but didnt know how to do it and so we went our seperate ways once AGAIN.At the next gathering of friends he came straight to me the instance he came through the door and found a pretty wild excuse to finally ask for my number. I was surprised and didn't think he would actually get in touch but a few days later we were texting and calling and ended up going out for drinks.He was very sweet,a total gentleman, introduced me to all of his friends and was very considerate all together.I felt he was very nervous and not quite sure how to act so when he brought me home and gave me a kiss on the cheek I went for it and kissed him goodnight.The next day he texted me several times,called me a few times the following week just to chat and see how my day was and invited me to his birthday brunch 2 weeks later.This week I called him for his birthday and he told me again to make sure I was coming on Sunday but apart from that I hadn't heard from him for over a week which felt strange cause before he had been so overattentive.At the brunch in 3 hours all he said to me was: "you wanna try my pancake". The rest of the time he was all over another woman to such an extent that a friend asked whether she was his new girlfriend.I didn't wanna put up with it and left.When I said bye he was all up on me,hugging me and pretending to be sad that I was leaving.I’m aware that it is his birthday get-together and I’m not the center of attention but if he were interested he could at least have given me the time of day and not totally ignored me?It disturbs me cause friends have told me that he is a relationship guy but he can also be a player depending on the woman.I like this man but I'm not sure whether he's playing games and I don't want to be "just another girl" who fell for it or be taken for granted which I kinda feel like at the moment. So my question: did I overreact leaving the brunch and how do I go on with him?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Overreact? Maybe. He does sound like he is a player though. Still, it could of been better to not act and wait till after the party to talk to him. If him talking to other girls for long periods of time makes you jealous, you should talk to him about it. You two should put ground rules for yourselves if you want to continue the relationship.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Thx for the input!
    I think you are right,its time to talk cause things have just gone down from there.

    After his birthday brunch he called 2 days later and kind of mentioned that it was a shame that we didn't get to talk at all and I had the feeling that he was feeling a little guilty. A few days later he asked me to go shopping with him for his new apartment because he wanted my help on how to decorate it. So we met up and went to the gym together,then went shopping,had lunch, went to his place and watched a movie (cuddling on the couch holding hands,spooning etc...but no making out....),had dinner and basically spent 13 hours straight together. After dinner we were sitting in the car discussing whether to still do something or go home and I felt that he kind of wanted me to invite him over to my place but I didn't feel comfortable with the thought and somehow I felt that the energy of the "date" had gone. Especially because after a few minutes of conversation all of a sudden he brought up his business and whether I could get him some connections through my job .......I was a little overwhelmed and surprised that he would throw that in all of a sudden and in my head I was wondering whether he had met up with me because of that. So I called it a night and we went our separate ways and I was left confused that after spending hours at his place cuddling, holding hands he didn't even try to kiss me good night. The next day he called me and asked me to go sledging with him. Again like the day before he was kind of hot and cold towards me. At times he was a sweetheart and at times I felt he couldn't care less and that he would rather not have me around. So that was this Saturday and Sunday. Yesterday morning I got a text from him-again work related whether I had a connection that could help him for a project he was working on. I told him to send me the details which he never did. In the evening we were at his best friends place to celebrate new years and when I checked my phone some time that evening he had messaged me 12 times!!He said he wasn't feeling well and needed my input on which medication he could take and that he was having serious health issues. I'm a studied doctor and I knew he was planning on coming over as well so I told him to give me a call when he was nearby and I would go to a pharmacy with him and get him some proper medication because I was really concerned. Now where I live there are only a few pharmacies open at night so I checked where to go and we agreed that he would come by around 10pm and we would go and get what he needed. Around 10:30 I hadn't heard from him and we were moving on to a club and so I asked him what the plan was. He said that he had fell asleep because he wasn't well and I should text him the address of the club we were going to and he would come by. So once again I checked where the next open pharmacy was in the area of the club and told him we would go and get the medication there because I was really worried. Well, I didn't hear anything from him anymore and 3 hours later he turned up at the club. I was furious and felt stupid for having worried and taken the time and effort to check the pharmacies and consider what to do for him etc....so I kinda probably overreacted again. When he came to greet me and wish me a happy new year I hugged him real quick and kinda pulled back when he kept trying to hug me and ignored him for the next hour......well that and started dancing and flirting with my male best friend just to get back at him (childish I know but I felt so angry and helpless). So after an hour I was sitting at a table and he comes over, puts his arm around me, we chat for a few minutes and I tell him that this guy Ive been flirting with is my best friend and the girl sitting next to him is his girlfriend, you know just to get things straight again. I probably was still not totally sweet talking to him but I really tried to get my act together and be normal. 5 minutes into the conversation his phone rings, he looks at me and says: I'm going to a private party somewhere else. I was just dumb struck and said bye and turned away........
    I am acting like an idiot I know and I am hating it and this guy is driving me crazy!!!!!
    I cannot figure it out.
    Is he looking for a friendship?
    Does he wanna place his business?
    Is he romantically interested?
    I know hes used to dealing with....lets put it this way, the stereotype 'pretty,easy and not the sharpest tool in the shed' -not the category I fall into and I feel that at times he is overwhelmed and doesn't know how to deal with me but shouldn't I at least have the feeling that he likes me......I mean isn't that the purpose of dating and getting to know someone?
    Sorry for the rant but I just had to get that out there!

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