Hi, I just need a little knock in the head here, a wake up call. I know this is nothing serious but could go very wrong if I make a bad judgment. Please enlighten me.
I’m on my early 40's (Hey! I maybe old but I’m not dead! My heart still beats the same way it did when I was younger) and I have a crush (or maybe infatuated) on this young lady on her early 20's, a coworker. I see her everyday; she’s our new receptionist after all. ‘Good morning, sir. ’ is the default greeting I get from her most of the time. Then slowly came this ‘feeling of attraction’ towards her. I now think of her daily, sometimes daydreaming while at work and at home. I once checked on her FB (we’re not FB friends) just to get a glimpse of her beauty and even downloaded a couple of her photos (but deleted them after a few days because this could get me killed lol). I know something, somewhere, is not right.
But honestly, all I wanted is to be friends with her. I’m a guy who can walk dimly lit streets and have stare-down with strangers and not feel scared. I can say that I like her or have a crush on her if I wanted to, any moment, anytime (Done this a lot before). Because I certainly believe that once I have told her my feelings; everything becomes ‘relaxed’ and ordinary. The thing is, is this the right thing to do in this time of my life? Or should I just keep my lips sealed and secretly still be in awe of her while feeling helpless, with painful thoughts that you know this thing is not going to work? Please help.
I am married and I love my wife.
Thank you.