I've been texting a girl that I met online for a few weeks now. When I first met her through facebook (we apparently went to HS together) we traded some flirty but non-substantial comments on each others pages and she gave me her number. I was on the outs with my ex then but we soon got back together so I dropped this girl completely.
A few weeks after my ex and I broke up I decided to text this girl and see how she was. She was a lot more receptive that I thought she'd be after I kind of just going off the map for a month. I did tell her that I was just coming out of a serious relationship and wasn't looking for anything more than friends at that time. She welcomed my honesty and we would text a few times throughout the day.
Last Wed. I was having a bad day with breakup fallout emotions and she texted me up and we had the best conversation yet. The next night she texted me saying she was going to get drunk and wanted to apologize early if she texted something inappropriate or embarrassing. She didn't and I kidded around with her the next day and that evening I was going out drinking so as a joke I texted her the same thing. She told me she welcomed those texts and said it didn't matter what time it was. Sure enough I did and nothing too bad but it was like three texts. One telling her that I thought she was hot, and two about some random dumb stuff (not hitting on her).
I woke up on Saturday and thought immediately that I blew it but she actually texted back and said she found my texts funny. We texted a couple times throughout the day so I thought everything was normal again. The next day the same. I asked her a question that was in line with our conversation on Sunday night though and she didn't respond. I didn't send anything for a couple of days and then on Tue I asked if she wanted to actually do something with me this weekend. I still haven't heard back from her and I don't want to try to initiate contact yet again if she's ditching me.
I've asked her to hang out before but it's always late in the week and I know she probably doesn't want to either seem available or she just plain isn't. So did I blow it somehow? If so I'm not even sure what I said...