So I met my current boyfriend online, came down to visit a few times and eventually moved down here. He never once mentioned anything about coming up to see me, or offering to help pay for the plane tickets, as he hadn't had a job in two years. I love him to death but lately he's been really cranky and says it's because of his new job and he apologized after I told him how hurt I was. I have another online friend that I have been confiding in because I have been going through trouble with my current boyfriend. I find myself falling for the second man and hoping to talk to him more and more each day. I was going to go to school in IA but I put it all on hold to come be with my boyfriend and I don't really feel like he appreciates all I've done and sacrificed to be with him. I feel like he has a lot of growing up to do but I still love him dearly. Any advice would be great because I'm pulling my hair out here.